Jul 13, 2018 | Mentorship
This is a beautiful series of interviews that inspires the goddess in us to re-awaken and to align with our soul purpose. I chat with Krystal founder of Goddess Reawakening about why self talk can make or break us.
Jun 27, 2018 | Mentorship
Do you ever feel that you are holding your self back in business or constantly worried about what choice to make? You are most certainly not alone, in this episode I chat with business mentor and mama Anita Banks and we break down the topics fear, resistance and self...
Mar 21, 2018 | Mentorship
I have always been guided by my intuition. I have what I call “lightbulb” moments which are full body sensations of a “YES” response, a deep knowing within my soul that this is the right choice. This has guided me to make some truly life changing decisions....