The WILD Wellness journey
Intuitive Leadership training for heart centered women who want to prioritise their wellbeing, fully trust their intuition, speak their divine truth and step into their full potential.
Imagine being in your sovereign power every time you made a decision in your life. You 100% trust yourself. You know how to work with your fear to overcome life’s obstacles. You understand that you need to manage your energy, not your time. You seek freedom and you yearn to be devoted to your wildness, so you feel deeply anchored in your being. You know you are fully supported with each step on your path.
You are invited to take a journey to learn how to prioritise your wellbeing. To harness your heart’s intelligence, that gives you the courage to speak your truth and find your daily soul care strategies so you can transform your fear into faith. You will unite with your soul’s path so you can shift self-doubt into radical self-trust.
This ground-breaking spiritual training is a sacred journey that will take you from living life in your head (fear) to living life in your heart (love). Learn how to manifest with ease and grace by living life using your Intuitive Intelligence.
WILD Wellness is for awake women who want to let go of limiting beliefs and learn to co-create their life with the Universe so they can manifest their wildest dreams into a reality.
WILD stands for Wellbeing Intuition Leadership and Devotion.
Transform your Fear into Faith
This program will teach you how to live your life with divine guidance using your intuition by making conscious choices using your heart’s intelligence. This is the evolution of your spiritual path from mindfulness to “heartfulness”.
Create a successful business or career by attracting clients and opportunities effortlessly with your vibration. Connect deeply with your loved ones by taking ownership of your thoughts and feelings.
This is a journey, and it takes time and practice to master. All your deepest desires are on the other side of your fears.
You will make your wellbeing a daily priority and make conscious choices that serve your highest potential.
You will break through your fears that block your intuitive guidance.
You will master how to co-create your life with the Universe.
You will step into being an intuitive leader and see your hearts intelligence holds the key to your power.
We learn daily practices to meet and clear your fear to create a magical life.
We are not learning how to manifest from our thoughts but from our feeling state.
We are embodying ancient mystical traditions backed by science.
The program in a deep initiation into a life long journey with your intuition using your intuitive intelligence.
You will recieve a 90 minute method which is a 9 step process to return you to wholeness and wellness.
Focus on your Wellbeing.
In this session you will set your intentions for our time together. You will do a wellbeing checklist to see which areas of your life need more attention/connection. You will be using mindfulness practices as your foundation and will create a system to keep you accountable and responsible for taking daily inspired action.
You will experience Soul Connection tapping and an energy expansion meditation.
Connecting to your Intuitive Intelligence
In this session you will learn that your intuition resides in your heart. You will discover the different phases of your intuition and how we access your intuition and how you can 100% trust yourself.
You will discover how to connect to your intuition and learn a practice called Heart Coherence and will be doing a 3×3 daily challenge to get fierce with your devotion.
Overcoming your obstacles.
In this session you will learn that we are all interconnected and that all is of the One Mind.
You are as magnificent or as weak as you think we are. When you change your perception of who you are, you change your reality.
We will do a meditation to meet your shadow archetyes and you will learn the Micro Method to help you overcome your fear and return to love.
Manifesting your dreams.
In this session you will learn that you are in a partnership with the Infinite. Your internal world is a reflection of your external world. You will learn that if you change your vibration, that you will change your reality. You will learn how to step fully into your divine feminine sacred power. You do not need to protect yourself as nothing outside of you has any power over you.
You will experience an intuitive intelligence tapping session to release lifetimes of stress and trauma.
Manifesting Miracles
In this session you will learn how to create the conditions for miracles to happen in your life. You will learn central channel breathing to anchor yourself into the powerful creative energy of the Universe.
You will end this session with divine communion with yourself and will channel guidance using your intuitive intelligence.
Change your vibration. Change your life.
When you join we will schedule our weekly sessions at a time that suits us both.
You will have access to a reading and resources list.
Full moon circles are monthly on the full moon. Times vary.
You have life time access to the content as a self study program. Further live online and in person trainings will receive a concession offer.
My pledge to you –
I have been deepening my knowledge as a spiritual teacher for 20 years. I am an eternal student. I have a degree in psychology. I am a qualified yoga and mindfulness teacher, an Intuitive Intelligence Trainer and I am an award winning author and business owner.
I am deeply committed to these teachings and embody them each day in my own life. They have transformed my life and business.
If you follow the program, apply the practices, show up and do the work, I promise you, your life will transform too.
I am honoured to be sharing this life changing content with you. I promise we will laugh together, cry together, feel deeply held and supported by each other and you will meet and clear your fear and return to love. To wholeness. You whole family will benefit. We heal as collective. We are one. Together we rise.
If you would like to connect with me to talk more about this program I am offering a free Soul Shake Up session. Book here. Dive in and listen to the whispers of your heart and join me. You will not regret it. I promise.
Love Leonie xx
What my Clients say
“I loved every week of the Wild Wellness Journey. I found each session gave me profound insights and techniques that helped me work through fear, trust my intuition, understand my own personal power and how I can create the life I want. I love that I have been able to integrate these into my day-to-day life and continue to use them even after the course – it has had a huge impact and opened so many possibilities! Leonie holds such a beautiful, inspiring and authentic space for both her 1-to-1 and the group sessions – I always felt completely at ease and supported. It was also wonderful to really connect with other women in the weekly sessions and via the chat group – the continual support and sharing of knowledge, experiences and inspiration so openly and without judgement made the experience even more special.”
“I feel like a new person after taking Heartfullness – truly. I have more peace, more inner strength and more connection to who I am – which is actually a connection to everything. I look at my kids and those around me differently now. There are of course times when life still gets hard and fear rises up – but I have practical tools to use and newfound knowledge about how the universe works, and this alone is very powerful and grounding. It is true – putting this wisdom into practice will bring you a very fulfilling life with meaning, peace and abundance. There is no turning back! This is the path to awakening and self-realisation”
“When I came across Leonie’s program, I was looking for a way to increase my intuition and have a stronger connection with Source. I knew I had more potential and could live in a bigger way but I wasn’t sure exactly how to go about it. I discovered that increasing my intuition wasn’t about some magic technique I was missing, but instead was a way of life. Through Leonie’s wisdom and guidance, I learned the tools I needed to begin being courageous and boldly stepping into my own power. Leonie’s magnificent energy and support gave me the tools I needed to reconnect to the REAL me, practice a stronger connection to Source/God/Creator, and release the fear that had been quietly controlling my life for so long. If you are on the fence about working with Leonie, I suggest you go for it! She knows how to hold the space for your growth and has the tools to get you there. She has been one of the most transformational forces in my life and I use the wisdom I gained from her on a daily basis. The value of spending time in Leonie’s presence is more than you can put a price tag on. You won’t regret it!
“I am so glad I found Leonie’s Heartfulness program. After years of work burn out and young mother stress, I was in a permanent state of numbness, just exsisting day to day and unable to feel any joy or passion. Taking part in Heartfulness training was my first step back into my journey to myself. I experienced the first cracking open of my heart and learnt amazing skills and techniques to tap back into my heart space. I highly recommend this course to realign with yourself and your higher self and reconnect back to the powerful feelings of love from your heart”
“I wasn’t sure what to expect in an intuitive session with Leonie & was a little nervous. However, within seconds Leonie’s approachable relaxed manner put me at ease. She was clear in her guidance & checked in with me regularly. I had the most amazing experience which totally resonated with me – Leonie’s downloads were scarily spot on & gave some much needed clarity. Thank you Leonie!”
My name is Leonie, pronounced like Princess Leia-Knee.
I am a Wellbeing Facilitator, Speaker and an Intuitive Intelligence Trainer. I am a yoga and mindfulness teacher, and the author of the international best selling books Mother Om and Awakening.
I have a multi-award-winning business. I am a spiritual teacher and leader.
I will nurture, support and guide you. I will change, teach and inspire you.