“Judge, 23rd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.”

“Lovely colours on the cover, and the back cover is designed exceptionally well, with engaging description that conveys a sense of belief in the book’s premise. Well done.

The author blends a beautiful writing voice–very engaging and full of warmth–with an impressive amount of expertise in all things yoga. The chosen quotes inspire, and again show the author’s deep knowledge of the topic. She connects immediately with her readers, tapping into the wisdom of bonding with a child through yoga and the yogic principles. We know we are in good hands.

The exercises are beautifully formed, simple and easy to accomplish, yet very powerful in their applicable insights revealed. This is what a book’s workbook element should be, the model of a successful interactive element.

Organization is stellar, with each step broken down into easily-read blocky sections. Brilliant pacing, and logical organization that flows into each successive section very well. There are no lulls in the book; the momentum keeps building.

The “find your mindful moment” sections, especially presented in that font, such as on page 25, are wonderful. A great layering of the book’s gifts.

Author accomplishes something very rare in books on yoga–she introduces us to new subject matter, such as Nadis. A reader with a familiarity with chakras and the like will be delighted to get so much inspiration and learn something new to apply to a mindset and practice. Extremely well done.

Author’s final reflection wraps up the book beautifully, the equivalent of a calm reentry after a good yoga class. This is a spectacular book”

Books are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 and 5 meaning “outstanding”. 

Structure, Organisation, and Pacing: 5

 Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar: 5

Production Quality and Cover Design: 5

Voice and Writing Style: 

Order a copy now on Kindle for $9.95 or printed version today from $19.95.
