It was such a joy to connect with this beautiful soul mama Rebecca Grainger. We had already been talking for an hour before we started recording. Last week I was at a Heart Centred conference and we got to meet in real life. We and the best dance off at the final dinner after we were insanely inspired by money maven Denise Duffield Thomas.

Rebecca is a soul coach and career strategist, a reiki master and an intuitive guide. She helps women transition from the corporate world into motherhood and beyond. Rebecca shares her story of how she was discriminated against when she became pregnant and that inspired her to start her business to help working mums.

We chat about the guilt, overwhelm and worry of returning to work once you become a mum. Increasing self confidence and esteem is so important for mums in this space and she shares her passion of changing the pay gap between men and women.

Rebecca helped me on my journey when I considered returning to work (which thankfully didn’t manifest) and she helped me define what my gifts are, which I really loved. What are yours? This is different from what you do.

We chat about how the #struggleisreal for mums who have very successful careers and then have a beautiful baby. They have to change their mindset and focus on doing inner work to re-align back to themselves.

Rebecca shares her daily tips –

Ground each day and connect with the earth.

Check in each day with your breath.

Call in your best friend or guide and rest your head in their lap and ask them what they need you to know and listen to their guidance.

I love this quote “You vibe affects your tribe”.

Connect with yourself at the end of the day.

Take 10 breaths and breathe with your child as it calms you both down

We talk about the myths around meditation and why we need to process what we are feeling. We chat about vision boarding and how we can manifest what we want into creation by being specific about what you want and why you need to be open to receive whatever is coming.

I have just made mine yesterday (divine timing as this chat was recorded a few months ago).

It was so wonderful to chat with Rebecca. I feel like we have been besties forever. Having a group of sisters supporting you and lifting you up is so important on this wild ride of blending business and motherhood.

Connect with Rebecca


Positive Mama Sisterhood Group 



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