What makes you successful?
I have always shared my journey with the world in the hope to inspire others. I regularly get messages and have conversations with people who tell me I am inspiration to them and it makes me ponder on what we see in others as being successful?
I have been in business for 5 years this year. That in itself is a success. Most businesses fail in their first year, many work too hard burning themselves out and the financial and emotional sacrifice is just too much. I think my secret has been that I am so passionate about my message and I have absolute faith that I am on the right path with my mission and purpose. I am rewarded with cosmic connections appearing at the right time for me to continue to grow. I continue to be blown away by how these happen and this keeps me focused and motivated. My life path is a master number 11 in numerology which is a spiritual leader who is very intuitive, dynamic and capable and I nurture these qualifies.
When I started my business I was a single mum struggling to make ends meet, I had recently gone though a devastating divorce and I took a huge risk investing around $30,000 in buying a franchised business. My first business – YogaBugs. An exercise program for kids using yoga and imagination. I didn’t have the money at the time but my intuition told me that this is what I had to do to leave the corporate world and create a business that would enrich my life and heal others. Within a year I had a team of teachers teaching in schools and child care centres and I had become a fully qualified yoga instructor. I loved what I was doing but it wasn’t my own business, I didn’t create it and I wanted to have my own baby.
My journey then took me to a brand accelerator hosted by KPI, listening to inspiring speakers talking about how to create a successful business and one of the key elements to this was writing a book. Again, my intuition told to do this – so I signed up investing another $10,000.
I wrote my book “Mother Om” in 30 days, I wrote 1000 words a word using the KPI framework and it took a year from creation to birth. I had no idea what I would write about but I knew that my journey with motherhood yoga, mindfulness and my experience teaching kids would be a shining light for others who were seeking guidance for their own journeys. My book cost $15,000 to self publish along with my website www.yogamamata.com , costing another $5,000. I published “Mother Om” on mothers day almost a year ago and have distributed over 500 copies globally and my book has won an award.
I created my business Yoga Mamata whilst doing the KPI business course with a dream to open a yoga studio for families and run regular retreats. We are in the process of opening a family yoga studio with classes for mums, babies and families over the next few months. I am running a mindfulness retreat for mums at Billabong Retreat next week with more dates set for September and November and I am launching a mindfulness for mums online course for mothers day this year.
If success was measured by how much money I had made, then I wouldn’t be seen as a success. I have invested so much more than the figures quoted above. The time energy and love you pour into a business can seem like a bottomless pit where there is never enough time or money. However as you grow and learn to outsource and create new ways of sharing your message and you set the foundations for growth, then you start to reap the rewards. Monetising your worth can be challenging and we often get in the way of allowing ourselves to flourish as we tell ourselves that do what we do for the love, not the money. This year I am focusing on earning more and working less.
These mile stones learnings and goals that I have achieved are defiantly seen as a success but the most joy from my journey has been in my personal life. After going though a divorce my heart took a long time to heal. It took about 18 months for me to start to feel at peace with my situation, I practised forgiveness and gratitude and learnt to let go of the past. I focused all my energy on what was positive in my life, my business, writing my book and my beautiful son.
3 years passed and I wanted to re-partner. My son and I had so much love and we wanted to share this with another beautiful soul. I got clarity on the kind of guy I wanted to meet (kind, yogi, healthy, entrepreneur) and I waited for him and trusted that we would find each other at the right time. I had one date on Tinder and met Jarkko.
Within a year we had moved in together and and we are expecting a baby girl next month. We are both passionate about living a mindful life and being a mindful family. I believe this is why I am seen as successful. I run workshops titled “From divorce to divinity” and my story inspires others that what ever their situation they too can create the life they desire and deserve.
I see success as living your life whole heartedly, being present with yourself and your loved ones and taking the time to reflect and grow. Success is discovering your gifts and sharing them with the world to heal others.
How do you measure success?