Today I chat with backdrop queen Emma who is the founder of Bespoke Backdrops. Emma is an incredible talent, an artist and a designer who has niched her business to specialise in stunning custom designed backdrops.

Emma’s mission is to make life more beautiful and her business makes other businesses beautiful. Emma and I were both nominated for award at the Brilliant Biz Mum Awards and Emma won in her category.

We chat about the joy of de-cluttering and how beauty impacts our energy. We chat about the power of niching and building a solid foundation for your business with a powerful brand.

We discuss how to honour your inner beauty and your outer beauty because colour affects how you feel because every object has energy.

We get ranty about money. Emma shares how she wants to make as much money as she can because it brings freedom. So often women do not change what they are worth and I share that for years I have given away my products for free. Not anymore. In fact this week I had my first paid speaking gig. I was paid $1111 and I made $550 in book sales. And I now have one of Emma’s backdrop and I love it so much. WOOHOO. Emma also designs beautiful logos and I was so happy when she created my new mala logo for my personal brand. It is exquisite. It is pink and green to match my brand with a hint of gold. Divine.

My beautiful backdrop.

My new logo.

This is a great chat with high energy. I know you will love it.

I love this quote “80% of success is showing up”

Connect with Emma

Bespoke Backdrops


Mum Society

Jacinta Tynan

Denise Duffield Thomas 

Natasha Corbin 


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