I chat with creativity coach and business mentor Elle Roberts who is founder of the Artful Biz Conference and co-host of the #ladyboss chats podcast with Katie Wyatt (who is my next guest).

Elle shares her story of being a single mama when she had her son at 23 and this made her realise she wanted to create a lifestyle where she could spend more time with her son. This led her to start making hand made quilts, clothes and toys for friends that organically turned into her online first business.

We chat about business being like jumping off a cliff and building the plane on the way down. How to craft your message, getting clear on your vision and your WHY, not self-sabotaging and planning ahead. We chat about the benefit of having an biz bestie and the power of accountability.

Elle is pregnant with twins due in early 2017 and she shares how she will blend motherhood and business and how systems and outsourcing to managing the juggle is key and knowing yourself is essential.

I love this quote  –  “Business is 50% mindset and 50% strategy”

Connect with Elle

Podcast #ladyboss chats

Website Artful Business Community 

Facebook Artful Business Community and Conference 

Recommended Reads

Girl Boss – Sophie Amoruso

The Happiest Refugee – Arn Do

Maggie Dent


Join my tribe of like minded mamas for daily inspiration and to connect with other mama chiefs and share your work with the world in the Magnetic Mama Entrepreneurs group.

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