Mantra’s And Affirmations For Kids

Mantra’s And Affirmations For Kids

I believe little kids are gurus in disguise that wander around teaching us how to be mindful and live in the present moment. They live with an open heart and mind, have no fear, do not judge and tell the truth. That is, until they start feeling anxious because they...
Mantra’s And Affirmations For Kids

The Original Play Station Was Playing Outside

The unhappiest children in the world are in the Uk and the USA according to UNICEF. Being plugged into technology has had a big impact on all our lives, including the way we read – we now skim and scan information, our minds jumping around like a monkey swinging from...
The Mindful Child

The Mindful Child

Raising a child is a life-changing and spiritual experience. Children make us see the world differently and they inspire us to want to make the world a better place. Our children are our greatest triumph but are also our deepest sadness. They reflect and mirror us...